3 years ago, I watched a presentation while randomly surfing Youtube. Even though I really liked the video, I lost it. When I describe the video to my colleague Evren, he instantly sent me the link 🎊🎊🎊. Title of the video is Future of Programming
. Presenter uses an overhead projector to present. No, he’s not trying to show off, he presents the future of programming from year 1973 and I assume the overhead is best tool to use in that time. He has four different aspects to examine future with the current experiments, by current I mean 1973.
I will not list all of the aspects, but Bret Victor shares academic researches, corporate blue prints to show how much people achieved without thousands of mega-bytes. He presents programming approaches and most importantly seeds of the techniques recently became popular, like Machine Learning.
Presenter informs us about something called Intergalactic Computer Network
, which people started to call Internet
. He believes in this platform, he thinks that this platform will be sky-rocketed, and we will need to find a way to communicate between devices. He continues with stating that implementing API’s and dealing with low-level problems will not scale. He actually offers a solution for this communication problem.
He concludes his speech with this offering; ‘I think you have to say: “We don’t know what programming is. We don’t know what computing is. We don’t even know what a computer is.” And once you truly understand that, and once you truly believe that, then you’re free, and you can think anything.‘”
It’s important to know history of our profession, the way people thought when there were no one to say how to operate computers. This video, smashes our way of thinking with the facts of the past.